Modification Of Child Custody In Florida
Just as it is with financial changes that can affect child support payments, other substantial changes can merit a child custody modification. For example, you may have accepted a job in another state or your work hours may have significantly changed. Regardless of what the reason may be, it is absolutely critical that you do not deviate from your court-ordered custody agreement. Acting outside of the bounds of this could be construed as being in contempt of court and violating a court agreement. You must receive court approval before making any custody modifications. Even if both you and your former spouse are in agreement about a change — get it finalized and court-approved.
As a divorce and family law lawyer in Florida for more than 39 years, I have extensive experience with child custody modifications. With laws that are constantly changing, it is important that your attorney is a specialist in family law. As a board-certified family law specialist, I am always up to date with the latest changes and have substantial knowledge when it comes to Florida family law. Contact me today to tell me about your change in circumstance or if you are contesting a modification. You can also call me at my Hallandale Beach, Florida, law office at 954-455-0800.
Florida Child Custody/Time-Sharing Modifications
For most modification cases that are contested, I strive to resolve the issue as amicably and efficiently as possible. This is usually first through mediation efforts, and I can attend these and other potential hearings on your behalf. I cannot stress enough the importance of getting a modification approved by the court through a court order. Otherwise, there are serious consequences. For example, suppose a parent moves away and without seeking court approval, takes the child with him or her. This could be considered kidnapping and is in violation of the relocation statute and has its own set of consequences. Do not risk this and instead trust an attorney to handle a custody modification and/or relocation for you.
Child custody modifications can be necessary for many reasons, but there must have been a substantial change in circumstances and it must still be in the best interests of the child. Tell me about your situation today, whether you lost your job, are relocating, moving out of state, are switching shifts or work schedules, your significant other is voluntarily giving you more time sharing or your day care provider is no longer in business. These types of substantial changes can be seen by the court as significant enough to warrant a modification.
Contact My Hallandale Law Office
I take child custody modification cases on a sliding scale basis. If you would like to schedule a initial phone consultation, email me or call me at 954-455-0800.