During a divorce, child custody is a major concern for parents. There is a great deal of misinformation mixed with the facts about it. It is often difficult to discern between falsehoods and truths. However, knowing what is a myth and what is reality may help parents...
Board-Certified As A Marital And Family Law Specialist With 39 Years Of Experience
Can you tell if your spouse is hiding assets in your divorce?
The most contentious aspect of many divorces is the division of marital assets. Your spouse might try to come out of the divorce with an unfair financial sum by hiding assets from you and the court. There are a number of tactics an individual might employ to prevent a...
What tools are available to enforce a child support agreement?
Parents everywhere have a financial obligation to support their children. Sometimes, a court order is necessary to compel the fulfillment of financial help. There are many methods by which a support order can receive enforcement. Getting someone to comply can be...
Ending A Marriage On A Positive Note: The Benefits Of Mediation In FL
Ending a marriage can be difficult, but it is possible to move forward with the right help and the right approach. Just as there are many diverse marital dynamics in Florida and in the United States, there are also different types of divorce situations. When it comes...
4 signs divorce might be on the horizon
Since every relationship is unique, there is not one unifying reason for a marriage to come to an end. Some marriages end due to infidelity, money trouble, addiction or illegal activity. In some situations, however, the couple simply grows apart and wishes to start a...
Things To Think About When Considering Adoption In Florida
In today's society there are a variety of different types of family arrangements. Children may form strong attachments to adults other than their birth parents, such as step parents, following a divorce. Children may ultimately form bonds with step parents that are...
Are Premarital Agreements Enforceable In Florida?
The act of marriage is assumed to be based upon love and respect. Many Floridians, however, overlook the fact that a marriage is also a legal relationship that can affect ownership of property, custody of children, support obligations and disparity of income....
To Keep Or Sell? What To Do With The Family Home In A Divorce
Home may be where the heart is, but when it comes to divorce it is often a very sought after -- and fought over -- piece of property. It can be very stressful when a divorcing couple in Florida cannot agree on who should be awarded the home or whether they should sell...
What Is Alimony And Why Is It Important?
This blog recently discussed possible alimony reform and suggested changes to Florida's alimony laws. So what is alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, and why is it an important concern for so many divorcing spouses? Alimony is an award of financial...
Knowing When And How A Parent Can Relocate With A Child
Parental relocation can be a significant concern for many families following a divorce and in some other circumstances as well. Parental relocation can have a large impact on a child custody situation, impacting the child in a meaningful way. Without an agreement,...